Ücretsiz MAGMAapp uygulamasıyla üç boyutlu MAGMA simülasyonlarını mobil cihazlarınızda görüntüleyin!

Uygulama sayesinde döküm proses simülasyonlarının farklı sonuçlarını ve yeteneklerini akıllı telefonlarınızda detaylı olarak inceleyebilirsiniz; örneğin demir dökümünde kalıbın dolum şeması, bir egsoz muhafazası kalıbı içerisinde iz partiküllerinin hareketi veya çelik döküm bir parçanın üç boyutlu analizi gibi.

Please note:

  • Together with the app, you will directly download the first two animations. Several further animations can be downloaded from within the app.
  • This application requires:
    • Android OS 4.2 or higher
    • iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  • In order to view the simulations in 3D, you will need a cardboard viewer. If you do not have a cardboard available, you can order one from us.
  • Remark: Using the cardboard, some people may get so-called „Simulator Sickness“, which results in stress, sweating, vertigo and sickness. In this case, please stop using the app immediately. MAGMA does not take any responsibility for personal illness.

The MAGMAapp is a copyrighted development of MAGMA GmbH, Aachen, Germany.

MAGMAapp Download

Download your MAGMAapp here:

We recommend the installation via Goole Play or the App Store. This way, you will automatically get update notifications.


Android users can alternatively download the app here:

Direct Download MAGMAapp (.apk-file)
(11 MB, Version 1.1.6)

Attention: To allow installation of apps from sources other than the Google Play Store you have to activate the corresponding option in your device settings.